TERRIBLE DECAPITATION - The prosecuting attorney in Mercer County is looking to West Virginia’s Legislature to increase penalties for meth distribution as a way to possible stem, what George Sitler calls, a meth epidemic that continues in southern West Virginia.

“There’s no question that this insidious drug is causing violent and unpredictable behavior,” Sitler said, a day after a Virginia woman was sentenced in Mercer County Circuit Court to life in prison with no chance at parole for a 2018 murder in Lerona.

Monday’s sentencing for Roena Mills, 43, of Rural Retreat, Va., followed her conviction in December on a charge of first-degree murder with no recommendation for mercy for the death of Bo White, 29.

“Ms. Mills has never shown any remorse or any regret,” Sitler said.

“This was a horrible crime and the mother of the victim has been present throughout this whole ordeal and was as satisfied as she could be by the result.”

Mills was fueled by meth, Sitler claimed, when she went to White’s home in Lerona on Easter Sunday seeking drugs and money.

At the time, she was in a long-term relationship with White’s father, Jimmy, but also was involved with Bo White, according to trial testimony.

“There was evidence introduced that indicated that she had abused methamphetamine on her way there,” Sitler said.

“So while this would have been a run-of-the-mill drug robbery or drug dispute in most situations, she was unhinged by the drug and that’s what resulted in the brutal slaying and decapitation of this young man.”

White’s body was found on Apr. 1, 2018.

His head was later located in a wooded area about a quarter of a mile from his home. “She (Mills) was raving when she was apprehended that she needed to finish her job and that the police needed to take her back and let her get her heads. There’s no evidence that more than one head was involved, but she was obviously out of her mind,” Sitler said.

“This is another example of the horrible behavior that methamphetamine abuse can cause,” Sitler said of the case.