Calhoun Insurance EM5 (Front L-R) Lance Grogg, Josiah Wilson, Reese Schoolcraft, Maddox Siwicki, Chace Toney (Center) Orion Swearingen,
Chase Schoolcraft, Cooper Morris, Kolten Holbert, Brennen Carpenter,
Rome Riddel (Back) Coaches Michael Boatright, Daniel Morris
Arnoldsburg Clayton Homes (L-R) Garrett Carpenter, Roman
Wilson, Luke Roberts, Jimmy McCumbers, Nicolis Butler, Bryant
Fulks, Coach David Fulks, Noah Butler, Landen Sampson, Leland
Collins, Coach Gary Collins (not pictured Alex McKown and Owen Hall)
Calhoun Insurance EM5 2019 Major League Champions won against Arnoldsburg Clayton Homes with a 14-2 win. EM5 finishes the season 12-0.