Many thanks to the following churches and others who have continued to support the First Baptist Calhoun County Food Pantry. Without their support, the pantry would be unable to provide food for the residents of Calhoun County.
The Chaplins' Association;
Beech Valley United Methodist Church;
Brooksville Baptist Church;
Calhoun Coop;
Calhoun Middle/High School Cheerleaders;
Chapel Baptist Church;
Community Baptist Church;
Enon Baptist Church;
First Baptist Church;
Knotts Memorial United Methodist Church
Little Kanawha Christian School;
Blessed Hope;
Minnora United Methodist Church;
Mt. Zion Methodist Church;
Prosperity Baptist Church;
Rush Run Baptist Church;
Victory Baptist Church
There are also a few caring families who continue to donate. These donations make it possible for the pantry to continue their mission. Staff and volunteers sincerely appreciate what these families have done to help those in need.
Donna Umstead and Lew Craddock are the co-directors of the pantry. They work tirelessly with a group of wonderful volunteers to make sure there is enough food, and a system to distribute it.
*The following phone numbers can be called in case of emergency:
*Donna Umstead (Home 304-354-6732) (Cell) 1-520-465-8657 OR *Lew Craddock (Cell 1-304-588-1579)
Anyone wishing to donate to the pantry may send it to:
First Baptist Calhoun County Food Pantry
P.O. Box 237
Grantsville, WV 26147
First Baptist Calhoun County Food Pantry is open every Tuesday and Thursday From 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at 1500 East Kanawha Highway