CALHOUN HIGH CLASS OF 1978 40TH REUNION - Need Classmate Addresses

Calhoun County Class of "78" Forty year Reunion will take place the weekend of Sept. 28th and 29th. On Friday night the class will sit together at the Homecoming Football game and then meet from 11A-3P at Calhoun County Park Barn on Sept. 29th.

Thr group is in need of contact information for:

Karen Boatright; Renee Brumfield; Sandy Cummings; Jack Jansen; Martha Jarvis; Danny Lane; Stanley Little; Mark McAdams; Brenda McCumbers; Preston McCumbers.

Brenda Osborne; Lisa Heiney; Rick E. Sampson; Charlotte (Robinson) Shaffer; Arthur Spring; Joyce Starcher; Steve Stump; William Villers.

If, you have contact information for these individuals please contact, Kaye Yoak, 164 White Pine Road, Grantsville, WV 26147 or call 340-354-6984.