Rev. Carl Marks and his dog Lucy, named for his well-known mother
The Marks clan gathers for a day of celebration at Whytsell Park
A family gathering of the Rev. Carl and Barbara Ash Marks family was held over the weekend at the Whytsell Park.
Marks, who is now 81, is celebrating 64 years in the ministry, first preaching in 1954.
"The first revival I preached was at Rocky Flat Church on Upper Nicut beside Roud Lane's. They lit the oil lamps and people came out of those hollers for miles around, not enough room to sit down. We baptized 17 people," he said.
The Marks clan, descendants of well-known, energy blessed and faithful servant Lucy Marks, have long been known as country musicians.
Marks has been a long-time firemen with the Arnoldsburg Volunteer Fire Department.
"It has been a great life in service to the Lord," said Marks.