Submitted by Larry Stinn, Pleasant Hill School Principal

Pleasant Hill students started Presidents' Day with a celebration! They marched around the gym waving the flags they had made.

Twenty scouts from Cub Scout pack 423, with assistant Cub Master Tim Moore, led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Two students from each class shared what they had done to prepare for this day. They had gathered information on one patriotic symbol like the flag, the White House, or the Liberty Bell. They learned some interesting facts about one of the presidents.

Mr. Stinn read Arthur Meets the President by Marc Brown. Arthur and his class visit the president after he wins an essay contest. "We can all help make America great by helping others," he says.

Each day the rest of the week, a student from a different grade led the school in the Pledge of Allegiance over the intercom: Bobby Blosser (4th), Nichole Rader (3rd), Devan Stonebraker (2nd), and Alex Cunningham (1st). The whole week was a celebration of patriotism.

Forth grade student Derek Brannon shares interesting facts his class learned about President Andrew Jackson