ANNUAL BERRY PLANT SALE NOW ON - Gilmer Farm Bureau, WVU Extension

Gilmer County Farm Bureau and WVU Extension Service- Gilmer and Calhoun County will once again be placing a bulk order for berry plants.

The berry plants that are available this year will be strawberries, blackberries, raspberries (both red and black), and blueberries.

Also offering asparagus roots. If you would like to improve your garden by adding one or more of these berry plants contact the WVU Extension Service- Gilmer and Calhoun County respectively at 304-462-7061 or 304-354-6332, and they will mail you an order form.

You may also email for a copy of the order form. Orders and payment is due by Wednesday, February 28, 2018, at the close of business, 4:00 p.m.

Once plants arrive all participants will be called and plants will need to be picked up within 5 days. Plant will be available to be picked up in Gilmer and Calhoun County, at the WVU Extension Office.

Expect plants to arrive the second or third week of April. Do not miss out on this opportunity to add some fresh berries to your future family meals.