ED-WATCH: WV'S 668 PUBLIC SCHOOLS GET A-F RATING - Calhoun Middle-High Gets D Rating, Regional School Results

By Bob Weaver

Calhoun Middle-High School was among 90 schools that received a "D" grade under WV's latest performance model.

Pleasant Hill Elementary received a "B" and Arnoldsburg Elementary a "C."

668 WV Public schools received letter grades of A to F to inform parents and to help schools improve from year-to-year.

The grading system focused on four main parts: performance, improvement, persistence and post-secondary readiness, and this first year the ratings were made with a bell curve, essentially meaning that some schools were actually worse.

The board considered grades of A, B or C to be acceptable.

563, or just under 85% of the schools evaluated received one of those three grades.

45 schools received an "A" rating, 162 schools got a "B" and over half of the schools graded, 356 received a "C."

90 schools got a "D" rating and only 15 of the 668 schools graded received an "F."

READ WV RATINGS: http://wvde.state.wv.us/a-f/

Schools that received a "D" or "F" rating will have one year to get their grades up or the state will get involved the second year, according to the board. The state will then assist in try to find ways to improve the grade of the school.

134 schools appealed their grade and 10 of those schools had their grade raised by one letter. The state board says once they reviewed the information from the ten schools, they found they did in fact meet the requirements for the grade change.

Calhoun Middle/High School likely appealed their rating.

Career and technical centers did not receive a grade along with schools scheduled to close.

A school accountability system is required by the federal government.


A — Distinctive

B — Commendable

C — Acceptable

D — Unacceptable

F — Lowest



Roane Co. High School C
Roane Co. Middle School D
Reedy Elementary (now closed) C
Spencer Elementary C
Geary Elementary C
Walton Elemenarty B


Gilmer Co. High School B
Glenville Elementary C
Normantown Elementary A (now closed)
Sand Fork C


Wirt Co. High School C
Wirt Co, Middle B
Wirt Primary D


Clay County High School B
Clay Middle School C
Big Otter Elementary B
Lizemore Elementary
H E White Elementary F
Clay Elementary F


Braxton High School A
Braxton Middle C
Burnsville Elementary C
Davis Elementary B
Flatwoods Elementary D
Little Birch D
Frametown C
Sutton Elementary C


Ritchie Co. High B
Ritchie Middle C
Ellenboro Elementary C
Harrisville Elementary C
Creed Collins Elementary C
Smithville Elementary B