DANIELS RUN NEWS 1902 - "Post Office A Nuisance"

From The Calhoun Chronicle


July 1, 1902

Hoeing corn is the order of the day.

A.N. Nester bought a fine span of horses of C.N. Nicholson last week.

Constable T.J. Starcher arrested Clyde Mace last week.

The Postoffice at this place is a nuisance.

Ed Margin will move his saw mill to J. L. Goff's next month.

L.H. Booher has gone to Richwood to work this summer.

Miss Clara Norman returned from Millstone last week.

S.C. Whitsell has been building fence, which improves the looks of his farm very much.

The Sunday School at the new School house, is progressing rapidly.

Ahab Stalnaker, of Braxton county, is visiting Mrs. M.J. Tanner of this place.

Our ticket: For Circuit Clerk, C.C. Starcher; for House of Delegates, S.M. Ward; for County Superintendent Ira Stemple.

From The Grantsville News 1902

Claria Gossip

July 18, 1902

Hello! Hello! (Oh, I forgot; the wire is down.) Good morning Mr. Editor! As I have not seen you out lately, I got some what uneasy about you this warm weather, but I am glad there is no cause for alarm.

Now as there is no one interrupting you for a moment I will give you some of the latest news from our "Happy Hunting ground."

Warm sunny days and corn hoeing is a part of it.

Mr. George Gibson is very poorly at this writing.

Miss Minnie Morgan is no better.

Mr. Pue Whytsell is getting weaker.

This warm weather is very trying to the invalids.

A new weddiing over here. Miss Almira Bailey and Mr. Fielded Allen, or "Frizzlehead," two very esteemed friends of the writer, were quietly married Sunday the 6th. May their wedded life be one long day of sunshine, happiness and prosperity.

We see in the paper (Chronicle) that this post-office is a nuisance. We ask the writer of that article to come forward like a gentleman or lady and point out wherein they have cause to accuse. "Let him that is without sin cast the first stone." Not wishing to insult any one I will ring off. Pansy