DANIELS RUN NEWS 1901 - Smallpox Victims Put In Corn Cribs, Local Boys "Tipsy"

From The Calhoun Chronicle


September 10, 1901

"Skip's Mate" is not well this week so I will try and give you some of the news.<> I have not seen Felix's Goat passing this way this week. I expect it is still bare footed.

Some of our boys was quite "tipsy" last week.

Judson Nitz say he is going to get married soon if his girl still stays in the notion.

J.J. Smith, who has been confined to his room with typhoid fever, is now able to be out.

John Stalnaker is digging himself a well.

The people are getting too smart now-a-days for their clothes. If they will only tend to their own business and let other peoples business alone they would fare much better.

A.B. Nester, whose illness we have heretofore mentioned, is, we are glad to say, much better.

Corn crops are going to be short here this year.

The school at the Starkey School house will commence the third Monday in September.

Joe Sturms is digging a cellar for T.J. Starcher.

Will Hathaway and wife were visiting relatives on Daniels run last Sunday.

The smallpox in this vicinity turned out to be heat, but it did not turn out that way at Arnoldsburg - They put them in the corn cribs.