DANIELS RUN NEWS 1901 - Turner Very Low With Scrofula, New Buggy Can Last Long Because Of Ladies

The Calhoun Chronicle


July 23, 1901

Not seeing anything in our paper from these parts. I will try to give you a few of the happenings.

Wheat harvesting is about over with.

Mrs. Malissa Tanner has been very low with scrofula. We hope she will soon recover. (SCROFULA - A form of tuberculosis affecting the lymph nodes, especially of the neck, that was common in children and is usually spread by unpasteurized milk from infected cows.)

J.J. Booher made a flying trip to Spencer last week.

Mr. D.W. Goff, who has been away from some time has returned to Daniels Run once more.

Adam Hamrick is building a new house on Sinking Springs.

A. Gunn one of our Claria merchants is doing a big business.

L.H. Booher, the Claria blacksmith, is talking of going to Grantsville to work for a blacksmith shop at that place.

Hot weather is a daily visitor.

Hay harvest is on us all at once, which proves to be a good crop.

Elzie Bailey who has been very low with typhoid fever, is, we are glad to say, very much improved.

A.H. Bailey is very low with typhoid fever and rheumatism at present, but we hope for his speedy recovery.

J.C. Smith, who has been in Webster and Nicholas counties for the last two years, is at home at present on business, but will return in a few days to Richwood, where he will make his future home. He is still single and we hope to see him make a success in life.

The following gentlemen went to Richwood, in Nicholas county, where they will stay until next Spring: L.H. Booher, G. Bailey, D.W. Goff, B. Nester and S Whitzell (Whytsell).

D.W. Goff and Arizona Goff were visiting relatives at Mt. Zion last week.

Miss Stella Starcher is at Creston at this writing.

Work hands are very scarce in these parts.

D.W. Price and wife were visiting friends at Mt. Zion Saturday and Sunday.

J.L. Goff is working on Adam Hamrick's house on Sinking Springs.

E.B. Starkey has purchased a new buggy, but it can't last long as he keeps it going bringing ladies from milking.

The trustees hired the teacher for the Starkey school house the 27th. We hope they employed a better one than we had last winter.

"Wood Chuck" must be dead as we haven't heard from him for some time.

In order to lay up money a man must salt down his coin.

Mary and Arizona Goff, Cora Barr and Matilda Adams are among our most regular attendants at Sunday school.

Wm. Starkey, one of our eighty pound young men, is looking after the ladies to a fare-you-well.

With a star spangled flourish to the "merry infants" and the mere readers of their breezy editorials, we are.