1901: DANIELS RUN NEWS - Graveling Potatoes, Crawford "Pecks Bad Boy," Eye Sore Epidemic

The Calhoun Chronicle


March 26, 1901

Mrs. J.L. Goff, whose sickness we have heretofore mentioned, is we are glad to say, improving at this time.

Floyd Barr and family are all sick with something like pneumonia. Dr. Lowe is waiting on them.

We are informed that there will be a protracted meeting commenced soon at the Starkey school house by Rev. J.B. Poling. There is great work to be done in this community, and we feel assured that Rev. Poling is the right man.

Madison Leach has completed the carpenter trade, and is now able to do first class work.

The farmers of this locality are making greater preparations for crops this year than ever was known in the history of Calhoun county.

William Starkey is now taking lessons in the carpenter trade, and as he is energetic we predict for him success.

E.B. Starkey is now drawing the pattern for the Rowles run school house.

The school taught by Ira Yoak on Daniels run closed March 9th. The programme rendered was pleasing to all present. The school was opened with music and prayer, by Oscar Stemple. The school was addressed by J.W. Bailey, W.H. Wood, J.W. Stalnaker, J.L. Goff and the teacher, and prayer by J. Bailey after which the school closed.

Mrs. Stump is very sick with consumption. Dr. Lowe is waiting on her.

Mrs. Marcena Elliott, is improving in health, we hope she will soon be completely well.

Mr. Levie Starcher who formerly lived on Daniel's run, has moved back to his old home.

Mr. J.L. Goff is erecting a new barn, which will greatly improve the appearance of his farm.

Miss Ally Bailey, of this community, has gone to the mountains, where her father will soon join her with his family.

Our recent rise in the West Fork, helped our timbermen out.

Clarias's merchants, Al Gunn & Mrs. Lenora Cine, started their teams to Spencer Monday for goods.

Several people are suffering with sore eyes, to a great extent in this community.

Peck's bad boy, whose right name is Steven Crawford, keeps things lively on Daniel's run since Ira Yoak left. Dee Nitz, who has been at Ravenswood for a good while, will soon return to Daniel's run.

John Stalnaker was heard to say to a friend last week: "Come and see me, and I'll gravel some potatoes, for I have some planted."

Al Gunn is a hustler in a store. All he lacks is an ad in the Chronicle to make him and up-to-date merchant.

L.H. Booher recently sold a horse to J.F. McDonald for $80. Mr. McDonald got a good horse.

Danielson, the jolly commission drummer was here last Saturday.

Steve Crawford was looking after some one who has on this trading clothes. Some people here trade clothes.