DANIELS RUN NEWS 1900 - "Erecting A Snug Little Cottage"

The Calhoun Chronicle


December 18, 1900

Hansford Bailey will start for the mountains of Webster county Wednesday. We are sorry to see him go, for he is the life of any community.

Snode McClung passed through our town a few days ago. Snode looks like a boy of 16 summers.

E.B. Starkey was at Spencer a few days last week on business.

Mrs. Joe Naler (Naylor) is very sick at this writing.

L.H. Booher, our obliging blacksmith, can be found at his shop all hours in the day.

Uncle John Bailey talks of Moving to Grantsville for his health. He says if he could only breath the pure atmosphere of Grantsville he would regain his flesh.

The accomplished daughter of J.W. Bailey was seen on our streets a few days ago.

Judson Nitz, who has been paying his respects to Miss ------ for the past two years, is erecting a snug little cottage for some purpose.

Mrs. Sam Smith, of this community died of consumption on the 10th last.

The people of this and other sections of the neighborhood will have a Christmas tree at Arnoldsburg. All are invited to take part and make the evening as pleasant as possible.

Mrs. Perry Starcher, who has been suffering with a cancer for the last five years, died at her home on the West Fork, Monday the 10th.

Tyler has been suffering for a few days with something like grippe, and loss of appetite, however it is to be hoped that he will come through all right.

A number of the boys started for the mountains last Tuesday to work and several returned who had been working. They report dull times, and very cold weather. They say the snow was 12 inches deep when they left.