
Apiarist, Wade Stiltner speaks to WCBA members

Submitted by Al Darman
Secretary, WCBA

Fifty-three members were present at the March meeting of the West Cemtral Beekeepers Association.

Wildflower seed packets were distributed to participating members.

President Dale Cunningham reiterated the eligibility rules for cost sharing: for 2016, participants had to be members in good standing and have attended at least 4 meetings in 2015.

Brenda Tatterson reported the details of the Spencer Honey Show scheduled for Friday July 29, 2016 at the Spencer Community Building. Members can rent tables to sell their honey related products. Members were requested to bring items to the May meeting for the basket to be raffled at the show. Members interested in helping should contact Brenda at 304-927-4634.

Cunningham handed out forms to apply for USDA disaster assistance funds for losses due to adverse weather conditions: The Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP), the emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP), and the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP). The NAP program can be used to claim honey losses. Make sure your bees are registered.

Cunningham also reminded any veterans to call Amy Edens of the WV Department of Veteran's Assistance at 304-927-0980 to apply for applicable veteran's programs.

Bee packages will be available by the end of May. It is planned to have pick up locations in Spencer and Arnoldsburg. Details will follow.

The annual field day is tentatively set for 6/25/26 (forth Saturday in June).

Wade Stiltner, State apiarist was the guest speaker. Wade warned of the impending hive beetle invasion. All bee hives should have beetle traps to catch the critters! Wade also gave some helpful hints on how to spot your queen: 1. All the bees surrounding the queen will be facing her, and; 2. Hold your frame at angle and the queen's tail will stick up higher than the rest (as long as she is not laying eggs in a cell at that moment). He also said now is the time to be checking for swarm cells. Finally, Wade suggested to not make too much syrup feed at one time. Only make enough for the bees to eat in one day. That way it will not spoil.

The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 23 at 1:00 p.m. at the COA building in Spencer, WV. The public is invited.

Wade Stiltner speaks at WCBA meeting.JPG