Arnoldsburg Seminary
J.H. Roberts and S.P. Bell, Teachers
Begins May 4th, 1896
ARNOLDSBURG. W. Va.....1896.
DEAR FRIEND: - We are striving to advance the cause of Education in this County, and to raise the profession of Teaching to a higher plane. You are aware that each year our County Examinations become more and more thorough. Not only this, but the time is already at hand when the people are demanding better qualified and more advanced teachers. You have no doubt noticed that the tendency is towards higher wages for more competent teachers. This, in our opinion, is as it should be.
Therefore, hoping that we will be better able to aid the teachers of this County, we have decided to teach a select school at Arnoldsburg, Calhoun Co., W. Va., beginning May 4, 1896, and continuing for a term of twelve weeks, in which especial attention will be given those who are preparing to teach. And we take this opportunity of asking
you to to attend. Our rates of tuition are: Primary Course, $1.00 per month: Intermediate, $1.50, and Teacher's. $2.00. DUE AND PAYABLE AT THE END OF EACH MONTH. First-class boarding can be had at $5.00 per school month.
For further information write to either of us.
Yours for success, J. H. ROBERTS, Nobe, W. Va. ~ S. P. BELL, Henrietta, W. Va.
SEE: FLASHBACK ARNOLDSBURG - Teachers At Hotel Meadows 1908 (