'Tis the Season for Music delivered nearly twenty Christmas favorites
at the annual Christmas concert for the public, last night at the Calhoun
Middle/High School auditorium. The seasonal music was performed by the
high school choir, the Calhoun High band, the Vandalias, plus a special
appearance by Calhoun Choral Reflections.
The school choir performed Joyfully we Sing, Clamor of the Poor, Angels
Among Us, The Christmas Wish, A Caroling We Go, Hush, Slow Dancing in
the Snow, Innkeeper and It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas. Faye
Chambers was the director.
Choir members were Alecia Alcaraz-May, Kelly Badgett, Matthew Bonar,
Kelly Brown, Brandi Burrows, Brandon Fox, George Haggerty, Kara
Haymaker, Chelsie Hupp, Victoria Lamont, Sarah Lynch, Holly Moss,
Samantha Parsons, Matthew Richards, Jessica Riddle, Barbara Shock,
Jeanette Starcher, Amber Williams, Emily Yoak, Tara Thomas and Tiffany
The audience sang along with many of the tunes, played by high school
band members.
Band Director Harry Beall displays the band's talents performing
Happy Christmas Holiday, Chanukah Is Here, Let It Snow!, Christmas "Pop"
Sing-A-Long and The Brighter Side of Christmas.
Band members included James Bailey, Matthew Bonar, Brandon Fox, Holly
Moss, Samantha Parsons, Eva Richards, Susan Sullivan, William Weaver,
Christi White, Debbie White, Briana Blankenship, JJ Bremar, Darrell Kisner,
Christina Lovine, Amber Miller, Lauren Myers, Beth Richards, Tiffany
Swisher and Emily Thomas.
Calhoun Choral Reflections performed, O Come Immanuel, One Candle
Lights The Way, Mary Did You Know?, The First Chanaka Nights and Let
There Be Peace On Earth.
Some of those performing last night were, Merwin Belcher, Jane Carpenter,
Pam Gainer, Susan Pitts, Jackie Blankenship, Gina Cano-Stump, Cheryl
Jarvis, Sharon Pitts, Virginia Buck, Carlene Frederick, Paige Toney, Calvin
Wilson, Carroll McCauley, Dorothy McCauley and Nancy Weekley.
Choral Reflection's tune up back stage