A Normantown man will go on trial for vehicular homicide in Calhoun magistrate's court Wednesday morning at 9 a.m.
The case is scheduled before a jury.
Melvin H. Shaffer Jr., about 18, has been charged with negligent homicide in the death of Rodney D. Wagoner, 44, of Big Bend. Shaffer is also charged with passing in a no passing zone and reckless driving in the March 22, 2002 wreck.
The accident was described as one of the worst head-on crashes in the county in recent memory.
The Shaffer truck reportedly went left of center while passing vehicles, west of Big Bend on Route 5, striking a truck driven by Brian Wagoner, about 20, who was critically injured. His father, a passenger, was dead on the scene.
Brian Wagoner has since recovered.