By Alvin Engelke

Rick Williams brought the message at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. Some of the folks there had earlier attended the sunrise service & breakfast at the New Home (Mayberry) church where Rev. Lee Williams served Holy Communion.

Ramps are now in their prime, spring beauties cover the ground as do dandelions, Jill over the ground & other ephemerals. The bumblebees have been busy gathering nectar from the Jill over the ground, henbit, etc. The USDA's multiflora rose is out in leaf as an example of federal programs that cause untold damage to the citizens while the connected who sold the pests [that wouldn't spread] made a fortune. As one would say, "Just another example of crony capitalism like Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim selling the taxpayers "Obamaphones"."

Charles Russell underwent tests at the Camden Clark Hospital & is scheduled for more although his blood pressure is now, apparently, under control. He was calling on brother Euell, Ray Gumm & Paris Parsons at the Miletree Center. Euell turns 80 on the 28th & Paris Parsons turns 97 on the 29th.

A nice crowd was on hand Saturday afternoon for Josiah McAbee's third birthday party. His father, Josh McAbee, has accepted employment at the Spencer Walmart.

Damon Sampson who had been working in the oilfield has gone to work on the DOH bridge crew.

Don & Connie Ray, Sherman & Betty Bradford are planning a get together for Johnna Heater late in April at Dayton Ohio. She noted that there will be country, blue grass & gospel musicians from Tennessee & Kentucky at the affair. Johnna noted that her son David & wife were visiting her recently.

Moslem terror bombings are the talk everywhere making many happy to live in Creston where the Saracens dare not tread. These savages exemplify the hostility worldwide that exists against Christians & Jews. In this country, in addition to the terrorists that have walked across the Mexican border & have come on visas there are other enemies to Christians as well. A New York Slimes writer recently noted that religion will give license to discrimination and therefore it must be wiped out. He noted that Christians who hold onto "Ossified" Biblically based beliefs regarding sexual morality have no place in modern society and should be reeducated, forcibly if necessary. While the terror attacks in Europe went on the Big Eared One was whooping it up with his Communist dictator buddies in Cuba & having his picture taken in front of a mural idolizing Che Geuvera, one of the most bloodthirsty terrorists ever to inhabit the western hemisphere. Dear leader apologized for America's part in the Spanish American War (many local folks who have ancestors who fought then) which freed Cuba, now the workers paradise from where so many flee, from Spain.

Calhoun County now leads W. Va. in the unemployment statistics "in spite of the Big Eared One's glorious economic boom". Because of oil & gas the northern part of W. Va. (& gas & oil fields in the south) had been more or less exempt the national economic malaise. However, with the crash in the energy business caused by those in government that oppose capitalism, oppose fossil fuels and their friends from the desert sands that have towels wrapped around their heads, the price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil & natural gas dropped to historic lows, especially when converted to constant dollars. Some wonder if there will ever be a turnaround. However, it should be noted that now Ellenboro has a hotel, likely the first in decades and more hotels are being built in Parkersburg. The number in Marietta, Mineral Wells & Parkersburg now is substantial & indicates that someone knows that big activity is coming. HG has reworked their Clover oil field in Roane County & the company just announced that on April 20 at 1 P. M. at the DEP office in Charleston there will be a hearing on a new secondary oil recovery project in the Yawkey field in Lincoln County. One can rest assured that HG, which acquired the old South Penn (Rockefeller) field is not doing this to sell $20 oil.

It was learned that the Mothman & the Missus have returned from sunny south Florida.

The Gast family spent the weekend at the camp in the graveyard where the old Rose Hill log church formerly stood.

Antero announced that they would be drilling 80 wells in West Virginia this year along with 30 in Ohio with 75% being Marcellus wells & the remainder Utica completions.

The folks from Dubai & Dow Chemical announced the construction of a new world scale ethylene glycol facility in Freeport, Texas. This facility will utilize the ethylene from Dow's new ethane cracker built next door which should be up and running next year. Meanwhile "our leaders" prance about and tell everyone all that they are doing to bring W. Va. into the 20th century. Talk about being a day late & a dollar short. As a result of all this the ethane from West Virginia must be pipelined to Texas to provide employment there. Mono ethylene glycol is used in polyester fibers, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles & packaging, antifreeze & coolants, paints, resins, deicing fluids, heat transfer fluids & construction materials, the manufacturing of all of which will not be in West Virginia or surrounding states.

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude oil is now $38.46/bbl. with condensate fetching $19.46, Marcellus & Utica light $32.46 & medium $38.46/bbl. in Parkersburg, gasoline went up 25 cents/gallon during the course of one day.

The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Hur Herald.