CALHOUN HIGH HAD NEWSPAPERS - "Calhoun Hi Life" And "Clarion"

By Bob Weaver

"Calhoun Hi Life" was the first school newspaper at Calhoun County High in September, 1924, a forerunner the longer lasting "Clarion."

The paper was issued as the first class was preparing to graduate in 1925. The school has not published a paper for few years.

The "Hi Life" in it's very first edition, announced that the school had eight teachers from six different states.

Marvin Cooper of Cox's Mill is the principal; Miss Lina Hodges of Huntsville, Alabama is in charge of English; Miss Elizabeth Albert of Lebanon, Virginia is the math teacher; Miss Belva Bush of Cox's Mill is the Librarian and also teaches English; Miss Virginia Cole of Chillowia, Virginia is in charge of history and girl's physical education.

Miss Ruth Adkinson of Carrolton, Kentucky teachers citizenship, Latin and physical geography; Miss Helen Morris of Lynville, Tennessee teaches commercial work; and J. M. Trotter of Indiana in charge of the science department and boy's physical education.

Other news stories from the "Hi Life:"

STUDENTS GIVE FIRST SOCIAL - A "get acquainted" social for one hundred students and parents... Evening spent in conversation and singing, with Bruce Ferrell, a candidate for Prosecuting Attorney giving an address...Geraldine Stalnaker, Lenore Starcher, Truslow Waldo, Clyde Riddel and Harold Proudfoot on the committee.

FOOTBALL - Coach Marvin Cooper and manager Harley McCoy have scheduled football games: Spencer High, Clay, Cairo, Pullman High, Clendenin, and Glenville Normal. Calhoun already defeated Cairo 47-0.

SCHOOL ENROLLMENT - CCHS enrollment is 124 students, an increase of 22 over last year. The first class will graduate in 1925.

GIRL'S ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION - Organized under the supervision of Miss Virginia Cole. Officers: Del Riggs, senior president; Mrs. Richard Marshall, junior vice president; Greta Stalnaker, sophomore secretary; and Thelma McCoy, freshman treasurer. Members are to pay 25 cents a month for debts of the association, which included the purchase of a basketball and netting.

FIVE TYPEWRITERS RECEIVED - Five new Royal typewriters have been received, allowing the typing class to expand. The old typewriters are being overhauled.

SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS ENTERTAINS - The "Always Faithful" Sunday School class of the M. E. Church gave a social on the high school grounds for the new students and teachers. Games were played, jokes told and wieners roasted. Attending: Mrs. Fred Hickle, Mrs. Orpha Martin, Mrs. Mary Morgan, Mrs. Ruth Jarvis Riggs, Mrs. C. F. Albert, Carrie Albert, Greta Stalnaker, Pearl McCormick, Lina Hodges, Belva Bush, Elizabeth Albert, Ruth Adkinson, Helen Morris, Virginia Cole, Ruth Belford, Ola Betts, Perrie Jackson, Eva Gainer, Edna Elliott, Dell Riggs, Velma Riggs, Virgie Riggs, Mattie Stump, Evageline Miller, Mary Smith, Ethel Martin, Lucille Stump, Mary Lutz, Nancy Lutz, Una Jarvis, Dessell Morrison, and Susie Mathews.

HI LIFE STAFF - Harley McCoy, Editor; Corel Poling, Managing Editor; Kathryn Witt, News Editor; David Oles, Business Manager; Harold Proudfoot, Sports Editor; Geraldine Stalnaker, Literary Editor; Clyde Riddel, Joke Editor. The "Hi Life" will be published every two weeks with a subscription rate of 50 cents a semester.

ADVERTISING - The Smith Store is "The Store That Saves You Money" is a live store for live people in a live town...The Grantsville Garage and Supply Company has a new way to pay for a Chevrolet...Marshall and Hathaway (the best in home furnishings) has Edison phonographs and records.

J. A. Francis, who sells fresh candies, cold drinks, cigars and cigarettes, is the man who gives back the most change...Marshall and Company is selling Schrafft's candies...Oral C. Hathaway is selling insurance, "that's all"... Hamilton's Restaurant is neat, clean and has pure food that is well cooked...Waldo and Waldo has cleaning and pressing under the post office.

Richard Marshall says "wear it bobbed" in the Stalnaker Hotel...The Wiant and Barr Store says "make our store, your store"...The Oles Garage, D. L. Oles radio and radio supplies, and The Chronicle Bookstore are also mentioned.