The 12th Annual State of Obesity Report just released ranks West Virginia with the second highest adult obesity rate in the country, the report issued by the Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

The study says rates of obesity are about 35% for the first time ever in three states, including Arkansas (35.9%), West Virginia (35.7%) and Mississippi (35.5%).

The State of Obesity finds that significant geographic, income, racial and ethnic disparities persist, with obesity rates highest in the South and among Blacks, Latinos, lower-income AND less-educated Americans.

It says obesity puts some 78 million Americans at an increased risk for a range of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

"Efforts to prevent and reduce obesity over the past decade have made a difference. Stabilizing rates is an accomplishment. However, given the continued high rates, it isn't time to celebrate," said Jeffrey Levi, PhD, executive director of TFAH.

"We've learned that if we invest in effective programs, we can see signs of progress. But, we still haven't invested enough to really tip the scales yet."

The lowest obesity rate was reported in Colorado at 21.3%.