CEOS HAVE "BE THANKFUL" DINNER - Annual Achievement Night Program


CEOS Achievement Awards (L to R) Margie Evans, Glenna Flemming (presenting awards), Murell Price, Darrell Shock, Lutricia Valentine and Irene Conrad

It was "Be Thankful" night for Calhoun's Community Education Outreach (CEOS) clubs, Arnoldsburg, Pleasant Hill and Rush Run. Achievement Awards were presented to Darrell Shock, Lutricia Valentine, Margie Evans, Murell Price and Irene Conrad.

The group enjoyed a covered dish dinner at the Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church.

CEOS President introduces Sue Jones, speaker

Merit Awards presented (not in order) Lutricia Valentine, Sue Collins, Shirley Mace, Sherry Price, Brenda Offutt, Ruby Shock, Irene Conrad, Catherine Burrows, Blanche Whytsell, Tressie Sturm, Margie Evans, Bernice Stump, Carol Webb, Frances Starkey and Norma Collins

CEOS President Glenna Fleming introduced former Calhoun Extension Agent Sue Jones, who talked about her 31 years in the county, reading from poet Robert Frost. The clubs presented Ms. Jones with a retirement gift.

Ms. Jones said she intended to be involved with the CEOS after her retirement.

CEO member Thelma Hall lead the meditation and Darrell Shock presented certificates for perfect attendance. Recognition was given to members for special contributions to the organization, given certificates as "Merit Members."

Arnoldsburg and Rush Run clubs were designated as "Blue Ribbon Clubs."

The CEOS installed new officers, President Glenna Fleming, Vice President's Sherry Price and Sue Collins and Secretary-Treasuer Lutricia Valentine.

Perfect attendance awards present by Darrell Shock

Darrell Shock displays wagon wheel from Rush Run CEOS