MOMENTS IN TIME - New Resort Envisioned for County in 1898

Transcribed by Norma Knotts Shaffer from microfilm of the Calhoun Chronicle dated 10/4/1898.

The finest water in West Virginia is to be found on the Calhoun county fair grounds, and an endless quantity, and an analysis of its properties show it to be the best and most health-giving water in the country.  Dr. T.B. Camden pronounces it to be the best found any where.  It has already effected marvelous cures.

Near these springs Mr. Jerome Hardman and Judge Blizzard have laid out a new town, and platted the land off into eligible building lots.  A splendid new hotel will be built, baths and fountains arranged, and the whole laid off into a magnificent watering place.  Mr. C.H. Shattuck has already contracted for five of these lots.  James Capehart as many more, Dr. Camden for several, and other parties will invest at once.

The moment the first cross tie is spiked in the bounds Calhoun county, on the Little Kanawha Railroad extension, all this work will be commenced, and Parkersburg will then have at her doors a health-giving resort, second to none in the world, where the sick can come to be cured and where the well can come to enjoy themselves.

Mr. Hardman and Judge Blizzard gave the editor of The News the privilege of naming the new city and here it is:


They will see the name for the first time in these columns, and we hope it will suit them.  But whether it does or not, the above is the name.