Mr. Cunningham moved and Mrs. Frederick seconded that the minutes of the October 21, 2002 meeting be approved. Motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Frederick reported on the October 23, 2002 RESA meeting.
Mr. Cunningham reported on the October 24, 2002 CGCC Administrative Council meeting.
Mr. Blankenship reported on the following: Casto Technical; Mollohan Grant; SBA Interview; and Arnoldsburg OEPA onsite.
Concensus to address 2002-2003 goals at next meeting.
Mr. Cunningham moved and Mr. Simers seconded that the following new business be approved as presented: School
Volunteer Agreements
1. Tina Dawson - Pleasant Hill
2. Bruce Fitzwater - Pleasant Hill
3. Jamie Fluharty - Pleasant Hill
4. Jamie Gerwig - Pleasant Hill
5. Robin Hardbarger - Pleasant Hill
6. Lynda Jarvis - Arnoldsburg
7. Pat Pittman - Arnoldsburg
8. Shane Yeager - Calhoun Middle/High
9. Chris Morris - Calhoun Middle/High
B. Out-of-State Transportation Request -October 14, 2002 - Soccer
C. Medical Leave of Absence - Evelyn Fulks
D. Out-of-State Conference Request - Tanya Stewart - November 18-22, 2002;
New York, NY
E. Drug Free Schools
F. Lights On Proposals
Motion carried unanimously.
Upon the Superintendent's recommendation, Mr. Cunningham moved and Mrs. Frederick seconded that the following matters be approved:
Resignation -Tammey Webb and Linda Edwards (Lights On)
B. Employment
1. Patti Baughman - Mentor Teacher for Preschool Teacher - Arnoldsburg
2. Gloria Jones - Homebound Teacher (Effective November 1, 2002)
3. Brenna White - Substitute Teacher
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Cunningham moved and Mr. Simers seconded that the following financial matters be approved:
Invoices - $494,619.89
Supplements - $860,063.20
Transfers - $102,700.00
Financial Statement - September
Motion carried unanimously.
Congratulations to Calhoun High School football program.
CMS playground.
Mr. Cunningham moved and Mr. Simers seconded that the meeting adjourn at 7:19 p.m. with the next meeting November 18, 2002 at 7:27 p.m. at the Calhoun Middle/High School. Motion carried unanimously.
Others Present:
Greg Cartwright,
Jane Lynch,
Mike Offutt,
Donnie Pitts,
Connie Roberts,
Bob Weaver