SUNNY CAL JOURNAL - Joker's Eddie Austin Kirby's Oil-Gas Empire, Calhoun Eccentric Had Many Tales, 40 Attempts To Kill Him


The derrick still standing where
Eddie drilled, year after year

Eddie's work shed near the rig

By Bob Weaver

Eddie Austin Kirby was a Calhoun native of many passions, from saving the world from war to drilling oil and gas wells, to having over 40 attempts made on his life to his religious beliefs.

In his book, "Many Are Called, Few Are Chosen," his theme regarding the demise of the American Experiment was based on "The world is run by monopolies, dictators and vote buyers." He might have been on to something there.

Derrick a reminder of Eddie's long
devotion to striking oil-gas

Perhaps those of us who knew Eddie in the Joker-Hur community, he is best remembered for his tenacity for drilling a well in a deep hollow near the long-gone Village of Joker.

He drilled and drilled for years on the well, sometimes hiring local boys to help him. It appears the well "came in," eventually.

The remnants of his drilling enterprise can still be found in the hollow.

Rusted Bessemer engine (top)
and giant bull-wheel (bottom)

SUNNY CAL JOURNAL - Forty Attempts Made On Eddie Kirby's Life

SUNNY CAL JOURNAL - Calhoun Eccentric: Eddie Austin Kirby, "In The Twinklin Of An Eye The World Will End'

SUNNY CAL JOURNAL - Calhoun Eccentric: Eddie Heard God Speak, Issued Plan For World Peace

SUNNY CAL JOURNAL - Calhoun Eccentric: Eddie's Will And Testament, Plan For World Peace