The annual Vet Day with Dr. Robert Marshall, and sponsored by the West Fork Riding Club will be held Saturday, April 11th at the Riding Club showgrounds, beginning at 2:00 p.m.
General directions to the showground: I79 to Big Otter exit, 9 miles on RT 16 N, showgrounds are on the left on Oka Rd.
COGGINS $20.00
EQUINE 6/1 $32.00
WEST NILE $25.00
DHLPP (dog) $10.00
FVRCP (cat) $10.00
Other vaccinations and medications available upon request.
Feline/canine dewormer available, banamine, bute and antibiotics on hand in limited supply. As last year it shall be first come/in line at the riding club show grounds.
Concessions will be available.
Please contact Marsha Lovejoy at 304-655-7277 or 304-543-5839 for further information, directions and to pre-register your coggins and health certificate.
The WFRC assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to persons, horses, property, or spectators from any cause.