Transcribed by Norma Knotts Shaffer from microfilm
of the Calhoun Chronicle dated 3/19/1914.
Reminder of Days Gone By
Old File of Chronicle, Dated May 28, 1889, Found
The Chronicle man recently found an old copy of the Chronicle pasted
on the top of a desk in the Methodist church here at the time of its dedication.
At that time the Chronicle was in its sixth year. Twenty-five
years have since passed since that copy was issued but we were able to
discern some of the articles on the dim and fading sheet.
Its date was May 28, 1889. "Squire" R.M. Marshall, now cashier
of the Calhoun County Bank, was its editor.
Below are a few articles relating to the people and their business in
that day. To many this reminescence will recall sad thoughts for
a large number here mentioned have entered the shadows of death and are
now gone to their reward. A few have moved from their former homes
and are prospering in other couniries.
Benjamin Harrison was president then and a letter from the Regular Washington
Correspondent announced that the chief executive would confer favors on
certain applicants if they would receive their commissions for offices
they were seeking.
A.B. White afterward governor, was then collector of internal revenues.
One place the Chronicle says:
Rev. Sam Jones, the Georgia slang slinger, will be at the Moundsville
camp meeting this year.
Looking over the paper we came across the following locals:
French Stump is attending school here.
"Bud" Johnson was on the sick list last week.
S.M. and John McCoy, of West Fork, were here Sunday.
There are _2 pupils enrolled at Prof. Heermans school here.
Isaac Simmers, of White Pine, was looking after legal business here
Mrs. James Barr, of Sycamore, was shopping here recently.
Okey J. Stump erected a platform in front of Wiant & Barr's store
last Thursday. Good job.
Bent McCan, the hen wagon driver is a nice man; he is a good man; yes,
he is a pretty man.
(Evidently Mr. McCan had advanced cash on subscription.)
Mrs. Mary E. Bennett and son, Evert, of Muscle Shoals, were shopping
here Thursday.
Lemuel Huffman has a drove of ducks which he keeps expressly to awaken
"Tip" Campbell of a morning.
T.R. Stump's new sign, "Furniture and Undertaking," is a dandy and the
new enterprise is a much needed improvement in our town.
The new church is at last completed and was dedicated last Sabbath.
Captain A. Knotts deserves much praise for the attention he has given to
the same to say nothing of the money he has in it. The M.E. Church
south at this place cost $1,111.26. The balance due on it when complete
was $248.76 which was raised last Sunday making the church entirely paid
for and free from debt.
Jacob Morgan and lady, of West Fork, were here on the 20th inst. laying
in their spring supplies. Mr. Morgan is one of Calhoun's most substantial
In a communication from Richardson, signed "Roxey," we saw the following:
Quite a hailstorm yesterday.
Pat Crow, the pedler, was here yesterday.
John Kemner has been on the sick list for a few days.
Saul Vandevender is farming extensively this spring.
A correspondent at Minnora writes:
Mrs. S.W. Farrar is the guest of Mrs. A.H. Knotts at this time.
A doctor has at last located at this place.
W.A. Duffield and lady, J.S. Jarvis and lady, _.H. Jarvis and lady,
John S. Conley and lady and many others of this section "took in" the show
at Charleston on the 13th.
We noticed also these advertising locals of the enterprising merchants
here then:
Smoke Wantz's celebrated cigars at Sturms.
Bed Steads, bureaus, chairs, stands, safes, parlor sets and coffins
at T.R. Stump's & Co.
Brocade Dress Goods 7 cts. per yard at Pells.
Wiant & Barr have a full line of dress goods - all the latest styles.
V.S. Armstrong was then circuit judge; Absolom Knotts, prosecuting attorney;
clerk of county and circuit court, Geo. W. Silcott; Sheriff, George W.
Hardman; deputies, J.S. Jarvis and J.T. Waldo: Assessor, James Duskey;
com. school lands, W.L. Stevenson.
Under the heading of Professional Cards we found: Attys. Linn
and Hamilton, A. Knotts and W.L. Stevenson, Reese Blizzard; Drs. R.F. Eagon,
W.H. Thomas and L.J. Stump.
Other advertisements were noted. Miss Josie Walker conducted a
miliner shop in the S.P. Stump building; near the mill, A. Huffman &
son with the assistance of H.B. Campbell, ran a blacksmith shop; Peter
Hicks was, and had been for a long time on the job as a tonsorial artist;
Mrs. S.R. Cook and A.H. Stump were running hotels.
In the school election held that month, Elliott Chenoweth defeated Franklin
M. Cain for county superintendent by a majority of 236. The vote
polled was small, Chenoweth receiving only 268 votes to Cain's 132.
J.H. Johnson was Worshipful Master and Hagan Barr, Secretary of the
A.F. & A.M. lodge, which had been organized for seven years.
The I.O.O.F., L.J. Stump N.G. and A.R. Johnson, secretary, was 3 years
old then.
These recollections will no doubt revive peasant memories for some.
The surviving citizens of that age have noted many changes since "Squire"
Marshall sat in the sanctum.
This file of the Chronicle is the only one we have had recourse to of
those published prior to November, 1900. All before that time have
been destroyed. We would deem it a favor if any of our subscribers
would let us know of any existing copies issued previous to the above date.
Perhaps a few will be so ungenerous as not to credit the items printed
above, wondering how a newspaper man ever got so near a church to collect
such data. |