The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection has issued a notice of violation to Antero Resources for a Marcellus drilling incident that reportedly has released methane gas into 12 personal water wells.
The well and pad are located on Oxford Road, in the West Union area of Doddridge County.
Three water wells closest in proximity to the pad have been disconnected. Antero provided water buffaloes, which are large water storage containers, for the area while testing continues.
The 12 rural residences with water wells that could be affected are in the community of Joy, on Fred's Run Road.
The Office of Oil and Gas cited Antero with a cease and desist order, a notice of violation, along with a pollution violation citing methane gas.
A Ritchie County resident Vickie Nutter of Pullman has filed suit against Antero and Hall Drilling, alleging they harmed her land when they drilled to retrieve the resource.
"[The] defendants' natural gas activities, acts, omissions, and instrumentalities that are within defendants' exclusive control, are dangerous, and have caused grave harm to plaintiff," the suit states.
Antero is a company that appears to be amassing a number or safety and environmental violations that is affecting communities.