Mt. Zion PSD work crews will be conducting smoke tests of its sewer lines in Millstone and Arnoldsburg this week.

These tests locate current users, breaks and defects in the sewer system. During the test, YOU MAY SEE SMOKE COMING FROM VENT STACKS ON BUILDINGS OR FROM HOLES IN THE GROUND.

This is normal.

The smoke has no odor, is non-toxic, non-staining, does not create a fire hazard, and will dissipate in a few minutes.

Customers will be notified before the smoke test is conducted to pour water in floor drains and into any unused sinks.

This will seal the drain traps so that smoke will not enter your building through drains.

If smoke should enter your building during the test, it means that there are defects in your plumbing that could allow dangerous sewer gas to enter.

Note the location of the smoke and call the number indicated on your door hangar card which is the number at the office - 304-354-7799- to arrange a meeting with an inspector.

Open doors and windows to ventilate any smoke that enters the building.

Mt. Zion crews will be in the area, and should you encounter problems, please notify any member of the crew for assistance.

Mt. Zion needs to know before the test if any of these situations exist:

There is a dog, bird, or any pet that will be confined alone in the building during the test.

A person alone and is an invalid or sleeping during the test, or is elderly and might be alarmed or confused if they see smoke.

Any individual with respiratory problems who will be in the building.

Please notify Mt. Zion PSD of these or any other situations by calling the number above.

Mt. Zion Public Service District:

Leonard Hardway, Sewer Operator
Jeremy Westfall, Water Operator
Patty Cottrell, Office Manager