Ohio is leading a study of the impact of fracking used in drilling and how best to detect and regulate human-induuced earthquakes.
The study will be working with seismology experts at energy companies, government agencies and universities across the U.S.
The effort follows Ohio's discovery of a probable link between fracking and tremors in eastern Ohio.
In 2012, Gov. John Kasich halted disposal of fracking wastewater surrounding a well site nearby after a series of earthquakes later tied to a deep-injection well.
WV officials have indicated that the injection of millions of gallons of water used in hydraulic fracking into old Braxton County wells are not related to a series of small earthquakes in the region, and that fracking was not connected to several small quakes in Gilmer County near drilling operations.
See OHIO LINKS SMALL QUAKES TO MARCELLUS-UTICA DRILLING - WV Seismologist Says WV Quakes Not Connected To Drilling Activity