By Cory Boothe
Hunters in Calhoun County harvested 135 turkeys this last spring. This is on par with the previous four year average of 133 birds a season. Spring harvest totals are highly affected by the number of two year old birds in the population.
Two year old birds are your typical eight-inch beards, but easier to call than your old longbeard. Spring of 2012 was wet and horrible weather for successful brooding. So that is what affected our harvest this year coupled with a rainy opening day.
The overall harvest for West Virginia was 9,017 birds. Calhoun is a member of District 6 and unfortunately all counties in the district experienced a decline in the turkey kill. This year's springtime weather broods well for a future harvest in 2016.
Even the author got lucky with a Nicholas County bird, a lovely two-year old.