Transcribed by Norma Knotts Schaefer from microfilm of the Calhoun Chronicle dated 2/5/1901.

Grantsville and Calhoun County Are Now the Center of Oil Attractions in West Virginia

The Town Is Crowded Full of Oil Men, and Interest Is at Fever Heat

As stated in our last issue, the oil well on the Metz farm came in on the 25th, and is a good well.  At least, it is so good that every one who can do so, is getting hold of all the territory in that neighborhood that they possibly can, and they are paying right handsome sums for it, too.

Instead of the Gordon sand, the flow of oil was struck in the "Berea grit," and when the sand was first struck nothing was found but a slight showing of oil and a little gas.  A few hours later, while Mr. Lowther was at the shanty, which is supplied with gas from the well, oil came spurting through the gas line into the fire. It was but the work of a few minutes to get the oil saver on and the oil piped off to the tanks.  The well had drilled itself in, and is yet to do more than it is doing now.

As soon as the word got out that oil had been struck, oil men began to come here and at present the hotels are full of them, and more are arriving daily.

It is hard to give what the well is making as reports conflict, but as the well has not been drilled into this sand, having just touched it, the fact is assured that we have an oil field here in Calhoun.

Work on the Gillespie well is progressing slowly on account of breakdowns, etc..

It is rumored here that the oil well being drilled on Bell Run of Lower Leading Creek came in a strong producer.  Up to the time of going to press, we have been unable to ascertain definitely as to the truth of this, but it seems to have come from a reliable source.  It is said that the well is as good or better than the Metz well.  If this be true, it gives us two oil fields in this county.