By Alvin Engelke

A big crowd was on hand Saturday evening for the Creston auction with the Starcher family and Col. Dobbins will hold another auction Saturday, May 10, starting at 6 P. M. at the Creston Community Building.

Rev. Keith Belt filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church. Earlier in the week he had chest pains and got a special ride to the Camden Clark Hospital. He was told to cut down on the stress and one fellow had a talk with his wife. His mother, "Jenny" Belt is staying with his sister up in Cleveland.

Keith's Uncle Ken Belt was calling in Creston Saturday evening. Uncle Ken still has his sense of humor.

Nancy Engelke is home after undergoing thyroid surgery at Marietta Memorial hospital. While there Dr. Christopher Linscott, D. D. S., son of David & Sally McCauley Linscott had a nice visit talking about Deever's Fork and noting that he is a regular reader of the Creston News. While there the dentist was seen with a comely young lass who very much looked up to him.

Buck Rose's daughter Lorraine Cremains, who now lives in Ohio, is a physical therapist at the hospital there. She was tickled to see folks from the "home country".

The Creston Area Neighborhood Watch had a litter pickup on Saturday, May 3 with 11 workers. Among the items found were the part of Donna Sue Ferrell's chariot that was knocked off during an 'altercation' with Bambi, a pocket knife, floor tiles, and a Suzuki owner's manual.

Connie Boggs has a new [to her] Honda so that she can deliver the mail with certainty without worry of breakdowns.

Wirt County Commissioner Robert Lowe, wife & comely daughter were attending to business in Creston Saturday evening.

The Wirt Oil & Gas Group is going to have an important meeting on Saturday, May 17th at the high school auditorium.

Missy Ferrell & friend Angel were visiting Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ferrell and family.

Jim & Barbara Bush were calling in Creston. Jim noted that he was able to get the bad pothole on Tom's Run (CR 9) [near where the tinhorn is collapsing] patched after the county told him no and the district said that they only worked on primary roads & that, who was he, a former state road worker, to be asking for road work. Jim said, "You'll see" and he contacted Shelly Moore Capito and two days later the hole was filled with cold mix. Jim now hopes that Roane County will repair the section of road from the intersection of the Lower Barnes Run road and the Wirt County line. Lots of people cross the road daily going to work, doctor's appointments, shopping, etc.

The Wirt road crew worked up the wildflower beds at Creston, Elizabeth hill and no doubt elsewhere. It was reported that the tractor with the tiller got hung in wet ground and had to be extricated.

The big pole saw is working at the head of Beaver Dam. The tree trimming crew has been clearing electric rights-of-way in the area now for months.

The Calhoun road crew has been patching Route 5 at the base of the Annamoriah hill.

Some folks were having a great time running their radio controlled cars at the Creston Community Building.

A section of the road bank on the Blankenship hill is covered with wild iris (flags) that are now in their prime and other sections are covered with bluets. A large amount of farmland now has almost solid stands of the government introduced autumn olive, a noxious pest. Also solid stands of Japanese stilt grass is up and growing.

Euell Russell was real proud of the certificate he received from participating in the Geriatic Olympics Down at the Mouth of the Elk. Brother Charles was calling upon him, Ray Gumm & Mr. & Mrs. Parris Parsons.

The bedbug infestation down at the county seat made the news in Parkersburg. One would hope that the public health folks would intercede to contain the pestilence.

Folks need to remember that the primary election is Tuesday, May 13. Two key races will be settled then in Calhoun County and, one would hope, anti common core school board members will also be elected then. The ads on the tee vee promoting the program do not pass the smell test -- sorta like "it was caused by a video".

Chesapeake reported that they sold natural gas produced in February for $13.29/mcf. Locally gas sold fetched between $5.44 to $6.17/mcf. It is obvious that "some folks children eat better vegetables."

Local Pennsylvania crude fetched $99.26/bbl. with Appalachian Light Sweet (drip) fetching $77.63, Marcellus & Utica light $89.02 and medium $98.26/bbl.

A Cabot spokesperson noted that the rig would be on their Wood County Utica location on July 1 and that another location was planned for Kanawha County. Cabot is actively trying to get leases in Putnam on the cheap while HG is working on acquiring more acreage in Lincoln County.

Bob Beatty of CNG noted that the Marcellus has as much as 516 trillion cubic feet of natural gas (recoverable) which likely makes it the second largest energy source on the planet. Some local folks have problems "getting their arms around the fact that the most valuable oil and gas plays in the world are here and the "big boys" want to get them for nothing and are trying to get the W. Va. Legislature to help them with forced pooling. The same fellows pay 50% where the natives wear gowns and have "towels wrapped around their heads" and in Texas they pay 25% and large bonuses.

The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Hur Herald.