Submitted by Jenny Morris
(Seated)Jenny Yoke Morris, Charlotte Siers Westfall, Mary Reed Mullenax,
Judy Basnett Meadows, Paulette Burrows Rhoades, Jeanette Burrows Richards (Standing) Danny Smith, Donnie Pitts, Joe Westfall, Larry Robinson,
Delmas Rexroad, Norma Cottrill Schartiger, Tom Fluharty, Kenny Bailey,
Patty McCartney Bollinger, Charlie Bollinger, Georgia Basnett Stalnaker,
John Shaffer
The Class of '67 had its dreams, and they got together last weekend to
renew their relationships and enjoy the inaugural game on the new Calhoun
Middle/High School football field.
The class met Saturday evening at the home of Bob and Georgia Stalnaker
near Annamoriah for an evening of fellowship. The group enjoyed the time
spent reminiscing about high school days and sharing happenings about
their families.
Attending the event were, Norma Cottrill Schartiger, Chlouris Jarvis Conley,
Donnie Pitts, Jenny Yoke Morris, Georgia Basnett Stalnaker, Tom Fluharty,
Stewart Satterfield, Larry and Lora Weaver Sturm, Charlie and Patty
McCartney Bollinger, Kenny Bailey, John Shaffer, Joe Webb, Bessie Yoak
Welch, Mary Reed Mullenax, Delmas Rexroad, Joe and Charlotte Siers