(L-R) Mason Siwicki, Hannah Johnson, Anna
Walker, Daniel Nary, Wyatt Gainer, Bryan Lloyd
Students from Pleasant Hill, Arnoldsburg, and Calhoun Middle School participated in the first Calhoun County Science Fair on Thursday, January 16. Winners were chosen from each school in grades third through fifth and asked to represent their schools at the county level.
1st Place: Anna Walker "How Greasy Is Your Potato Chip?"
2nd Place: Wyatt Gainer and Daniel Nary "Reflexes"
3rd Place: Hannah Johnson "Can Your Eyes Fool Your Taste Buds?"
Honorable Mention: Mason Siwicki "Prevent an Apple from Turning Brown"
and Bryan Lloyd "What's that Smell?"
A special thank you to the judges Sharon Pitts, Kelsey Jett, and Jared Fitzwater.