A "Pot Luck Dinner Theater" will be the highlight at a special meeting
of the Calhoun
Historical Society this Monday (February 19) at the home of Carl and
Helen Morris.
The group will view old movies of Calhoun County from the 1930's
through the 1960's,
including sports films and movies from the Calhoun County Centennial
in 1956.
Guests are asked to bring a a pot luck item for dinner which will be
served at 6 p.m.
Residents or former residents of Calhoun County are encouraged to loan
or donate old
movies of families and events from the 1900's, fires, special
occasions, etc. The
Society, with the assistance of Harry and Trina Beall, are working on
compiling old
film into a special video tape which will be made available.
The current movies to tape project will also be used in a multi-media
which is planned for the Stump Hotel Museum.
Contributions to this project may be made by contacting Robert Bonar,
President at
304-354-7507 or Helen Morris at 304-354-7957, or any member of the
Membership in the local society is $10, new members are accepted at
anytime during the year. Payable to Calhoun
Historical Society, PO Box 242, Grantsville WV 26147.