Transcribed by Norma Knotts Shaffer from microfilm of the Calhoun Chronicle dated 7/9/1914.

Annamoriah Postoffice Robbed

Word was received here early Friday morning that the Annamoriah postoffice, conducted by W.R. Bell, had been broken into and robbed by unknown parties Thursday night. Only about $25 or $30 were secured by the robbers. We are informed that the stock of the general store in which the post office is located, was not bothered.

Soon after Mr. Bell discovered the robbery he telephoned to Harrisville for bloodhounds which arrived on the scene about 2 o'clock, but because Mr. Bell had swept out the building and a large crowd had gathered in the store before the arrival of the bloodhounds, the dogs were unable to get a trail.

The robbery will no doubt be investigated by the postoffice authorities and possibly the guilty ones will be brought to justice.