Despite a lower rate of deer/car collisions across the United States, West Virginia remains the most likely state in which a motorist will hit a deer while driving.
West Virginia drivers are more likely to collide with a deer than any other state, likely because of the extensive rural and crooked highways and a large deer population.
"There's been a decline of about 4.3 percent, but West Virginia is still number one. The average nationally is about one in 174 to hit a deer, but in West Virginia it's one in 41," said Dave Phillips, spokesman for State Farm Insurance.
This is the seventh year in a row the state has the deer hit title.
West Virginia has held the dubious distinction in State Farm's annual survey for seven straight years.
The average deer/car collision costs $3,000 in repairs.
Montana is the second most likely state to hit a deer where the chances are one in 65.
Iowa is third with a one in 73 chance.
State Farm says November is the most likely time to hit a deer, with November being the peak of hunting and rutting season for whitetail deer.