A number of WV communities continue to experience flooding in what is the wettest summer season in years.
A 64-year-old man was swept away by high water in Putnam County Monday evening while he was digging a ditch, cleaning debris from recent flooding.
His body was recovered about an hour later.
Mason County has been hit with severe flooding, and again Monday when a house was washed off its foundation, landing 600 feet away, the occupant escaping uninjured.
Sunday, localized flooding caused 50 church goers to be trapped in a Lizemore church.
Last week a flash flood hit Green Creek in Roane County, washing out roads and washing a man's truck downstream for a mile.
Then there was the recent 100 year flood that struck Spencer and Roane County, while many other parts of West Virginia have experienced localized flooding.
People in low-lying areas need to be tuned in to NWS alerts.