By Alvin Engelke

Rev. Keith Belt filled his regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. Church & served Holy Communion.

The Mothman, Cap'n & Mrs. Spock were dining at the Blue Bell In McConnellsville, Ohio over the weekend.

Locust blossoms, one of the tasty spring favorites are now ready to harvest and deep fry. Spark Arthur noted that he found a tasty meal of morels and another noted that he found a few out on Ground Hog.

Wild irises (flags) are in their prime and the whip-poor-wills have been providing song for those who are out after dark. They had been rather rare for a number of years.

Maysel Meadows & husband were calling on her sister Pat Nida and husband.

A number of folks with local connections made the newspapers down at the Mouth of the Elk and at the Mouth of the Little Kanawha. Some are sojurning in the regionals while another was "awarded" a one to five year vacation at a "scenic resort".

Charles Russell was calling on Parris Parsons, Mrs. Tanner, Ray Gumm & brother Euell over at Miletree.

Local residents continue to work up garden ground although it would seem that most of those who get their food given to them are not about to be bothered by having to grow food and provide their own sustenance.

Adam & Anna Yates took a 15 mile bicycle trip from their residence to Union Station down in swamps along the lower Potomac.

It was learned that, not so long back, the pen hookers at the Jackson County Livestock Sales got into a fuss and started throwing hot metal around. They are now all banned from the facility. For those who don't know, the pen hookers [pronounced pin hookers] come up to farmers who are bringing in animals to sell and offer them cash to buy outside and, generally speaking, have a reputation of swindling those who do not know what their animals will bring at the auction.

Brandon Ferrell was visiting at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ferrell & family.

A big crowd was on hand for the monthly Creston auction. Bobby Ray Starcher, the head auctioneer suffered congestive heart failure and presently is undergoing rehab. Daughter Carol did the auction. Those attending include Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Stemple, Casper Shuman, Russ Cottrell, Mr. & Mrs. William J. Ward, former Creston postmaster Nancy Putnam, Wirt County Commissioner Robert Lowe, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lowe (Sr.), Chester Robinson, Bernard Nicholas, Sherry Snider, Florence Bishop, Donald Little, Pearl Bollinger, Mr. & Mrs. Allen Thomas, Alisha Barber.

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Marks & baby were visiting Mr. & Mrs. "Cooter" Marks & family.

It was learned that one of Antero's Marcellus drilling rigs was shut down when "the entire crew" failed the "tinkle test". The powers that be continue to promote drug use and glarourize the same and then won't let taxpayers drug test the welfare kings & queens thus subsidizing the dealers & drug kingpins.

To alleviate the crowed record room of those who are looking up Marcellus leases in Tyler County, the court house there is now open four evenings until 8 P. M. Sixteen abstractors are allowed in the record room at one time and they now come hours early sitting in lawnchairs with blankets and sleeping bags to get in line to sign up for two hour time slots. It was reported that a few times "hostilities" have broken out in the waiting line (which goes half way around the court house & down the street) and the gendarmes have been called.

Mother Hope has been having curtailments on some of its natural gas lines which means some local wells are shut in.

One of the backers of Obamacare described the implementation as a "train wreck" as the cost is now determined to be an order of magnitude greater than what was advertised and instead of insurance being cheaper it is, of course, much higher. However, down at the Mouth of the Elk, Earl Ray, under the careful guidance of Broadway Joe, has moved to implement the socialized medicine plan. Broadway Joe's "modest gun registration plan" that was beat in the Senate would make it a federal crime to loan a friend a gun to take hunting and moving to another residence without filing the proper paperwork would likewise be a criminal violation. Dingy Hairy Reed was right when he said "the anti gun bill".

Some of the most gruesome reporting ever was about the murder trial of Dr. Kenneth Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortion parlour operator, who is charged with murdering numerous babies that were born alive and the death of a Nepalese woman who went there for an abortion. The pictures & descriptions would turn ones stomach. Since the trial was not pretty the pro baby killing main stream media ignored the trial. Freezers there were full of born alive babies that had their spinal cords cut. A West Virginia woman found in a jar [labeled] the foot of her baby that was 'terminated' there. Apparently, he also ran a "pill mill".

The price of local Pennsylvania grade crude rose to $96.01 with Appalachian Light Sweet (drip or mountain high test) fetching $82.88, Marcellus & Utica light $90.68 and medium $97.51/bbl.