"PINWHEELS FOR PREVENTION" - Mark Child Abuse Prevention Month


Blue and white pinwheels are spinning in the wind on the courthouse lawn in Grantsville. Samantha Cowan, FRN Coordinator is setting out pinwheels for Child Abuse Prevention Month.

The movement is based on the belief that child abuse must stop from happening by providing programs and policies that are child focused on development, community involvement and create conditions that provide support for children and parents.

Everyone needs to join in the movement to change priorities and choices toward developing communities that are healthy, safe and nurturing for all children and families.

It is important to improve our well-being whether it be by volunteering or advocating for families and children, everyone can take their turn in making changes.

For more information, please contact the Calhoun County Family Resource Network 304-354-7177.

See related story  80 CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT CASES LAST YEAR IN CALHOUN - April Is Child Abuse Prevention Month