UPDATE: THIS OLE BRIDGE - Crazy Curve Nicut Structure Crumbling, FOIA Issued To Obtain Status


This old bridge is barely holding forth in 2021, at age
95 years, its condition has assuredly worsened, with the Hur Herald continuing to obtain the condition of bridges, the highway department requiring a FOIA request to obtain


Drivers have not always heeded the slow down or crash
message the old bridge location has given over the past
95 years, a unique spandrel braced, ribbed arch structure

This ole Nicut Road bridge has a case of the crumbles, partly because of the hundreds of times drivers have failed to negotiate it.

The 1926 bridge was built when county
commissions were still in the road business

It wasn't lined up well with the highway, located in a sharp curve.

It is one of several Calhoun bridges that has been rated as structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.

West Virginia leads the nation with bad bridges.

The Hur Herald has issued a Freedom of Information Request to obtain the ratings of Calhoun bridges, once readily available.