By Alvin Engelke

Rev. Juanita Lockhart filled her regular appointment at the Burning Springs M. E. church. She and husband Steve provided some special music. Roy Copen of Owl Hill wired up the air conditioner which was much appreciated.

A timber man who was working for a Haessley contractor fell from a truck onto a log pile and broke his hip and caused other internal injuries at a landing near the head of Island Run. He was taken by helicopter to a medical facility and his condition remains unknown.

The Junior Dam builders (U. S. Army Corps of Engineers) announced that there will be "hearings" on the Little Kanawha River. While the real purpose of these meetings is not clear the meetings will be September 10 from 6 to 9 at he Calhoun County Court House and on September 12 from 6 to 9 at the Wirt County Court House. Area residents are urged to attend and find out what the federal agency is up to now. The official term is Little Kanawha River Reconnaissance Study.

Barbara Jane Fluharty was consulting with some specialists. She was not too pleased with their report.

Rev. & Mrs. S. E. Cooper, Jr., Charles & Euell Russell, Ronnie Wyers, Mr. & Mrs. H. L. Stutler & Eula Murphy, daughter Helen & children, Bessie Arthur and daughters were among those who took in the Wirt County Fair. All reported having a good time. The livestock sale made over $75,000 with a number of Creston area youth selling animals. Emma Miller who was a first time participant had a big highlight when she got to shake hands with Gov. Wise who was on hand to open the fair.

John Wesley Cottrell reported that his son Hal Cottrell who recently completed 20 years in the service was named to the Country Music Hall of Fame. "Way Back When" Hal played music at the Creston Community Building.

Those calling at the Engelke residence included Anna Engelke & Fritzina Katz from Fairmont, Jane Engelke & Mike Tedrick, Mr. & Mrs. Brian Boley & son of Atlanta, Jack Boley from St. Marys, Sally Hannan & Maria Morelle from Central, W. Va., Susan Myers from the Griffith's Run section, Tim Rhodes & Larry from Charlotte, North Carolina, Todd, Michelle, Emily & Rebecca Rhodes, Sharon and Charley Conley from Hickory, North Carolina.

Those who are still licking their wounds from the Enron mess were not really amazed with "Holy Joe" Lieberman when he declined to ask former cabinet secretary Rubin about his extensive dealings and doings on behalf of Enron and a New York bank since he could not make any political hay.

Those who worry about national defense and foreign control over American's future were not happy when it was learned that Hutchinson Whampoa which now controls the Panama Canal has acquired Global Crossing the fiber optic firm that went bankrupt and was closely associated with Terry McAuliffe. Hutchinson Whampoa is affiliated with the Peoples' Liberation Army (PLA) which is, of course, the Communist Chinese Army. Some time back they threatened west coast cities with ICBMs.

Columbia Gas Transmission had a 30" line blow up near Lanham in Putnam County [near the Kanawha County line] which caused flames to shoot hundreds of feet in the air. As a result a number of local wells had to be shut in.

It was reported that Eastern American Energy Corp. sold most, if not all, of their local wells to State Senator Mike Ross. Teddy "The Gas Typhoon" Adkins is going to look after them for the Senator. The deal was said to be in the millions with wells in numerous counties.

JP, RP, & AC Marks are reported to have a new (to them, at least) set of "wheels" or two.

Cap'n & Mrs. Spock were among those calling on Aunt Verda at her Millstone residence this weekend.

Uncle Jed and Jethro Bodine worked out on Smokey, the shaggy Collie, with a new pair of hand-operated sheep shears recently. The quality of the haircuts administered down at the Daniels' Run Tonsorial Parlor are not reported to be the greatest in the the world, as Ol' Smokey is still sorta "shaggy", but at least he IS much cooler after losing right near a bushel of multicolored hair.

Rumor from down Nashville way has it that Brooks & Dunn may be getting a little nervous lately. Local story is that Bummy 'n Griff are planning a future endeavour that includes the Grand Ol' Opry. Details are scarce.