Calhoun, Marshall, Taylor, Tyler, Upshur Counties

NWVRHEC is pleased to announce the implementation of the Be Healthy Now Community Initiative as a result of NWVRHEC and the West Virginia University Institute for Community and Rural Health being awarded the two year, CDC Community Transformation Grant totaling $400,000.

This funding will provide programs and activities to improve the health of children and adults in rural West Virginia Communities by reducing obesity and deaths due to stroke and heart disease.

Be Healthy Now will continue the NEW You programs that are currently running in Marshall and Taylor Counties providing those communities the opportunity to address the issues of sedentary lifestyles, obesity, heart disease and diabetes through the use of exer-gaming, traditional exercise equipment and lifestyle related activities, as well as nutrition and health risk behavior education.

In addition to the Marshall and Taylor County programs Be Healthy Now will work to expand the program into two additional counties over the next two years.

A promising component of this program will be the strengthening of community and campus partnerships. West Virginia University will be making the Be Healthy Now a part of its health sciences curriculum.

Health Sciences students involved in Be Healthy Now in the five target counties, will receive college credit for providing educational events on the Be Healthy Now concepts.

A Leadership Team comprised of community partners will represent the five target counties to assist with the promotion of activities and events, provide critical feedback on program progress and determine ways to expand the Be Healthy Now program.

Any interested agency or community members who would like information on the program can contact Shari Johnson, Community Coordinator of Be Healthy Now at (304)462-6290 or by email or Donna Steigleder, Project Director at (304)462-6292, email: