PARKERSBURG HOLD-UP - Parkersburg police responded to a hold-up at the Clark gas station Thursday in north Parkersburg.

A white male entered the store and started looking at some merchandise.

He left the store on one occasion but returned, concealing his identity.

Police said the suspect eventually told the clerk he wanted money, keeping one hand concealed under his clothing. At least one witness states the suspect said he had a gun.

The clerk began to call 911 with the suspect taking the phone from her and going to the cash register and removing money.

The suspect tried unsuccessfully to get into a safe before fleeing the store on foot.

PIZZA HEIST - A robbery has been reported at the Gino's Pizza & Spaghetti House in Huntington Thursday night.

Police say a man entered the business with a mask covering his face and demanded cash.

The suspect left the area.