At least three bills in the WV legislature call for expansion of drug testing in the Mountain State.
A bill in the House of Delegates would require three separate drug tests before teenagers could get a driver's license.
The teen driving bill would require potential drivers to pass a drug test before they receive a learner's permit, an intermediate license and a full license.
"So the goal is, if they really want to get that driver's license -- their incentive would be to not use anything and maybe not bow down to peer pressure to succumb to drug use," according to state Del. Joe Ellington, R-Mercer.
Opposing the measure, Del. Justin Marcum D-Mingo said, "They can stay clean for three days, pass the drug test and then get right back on drugs - so, is this the answer? No."
Last year, Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin signed an executive order mandating drug testing for anyone who participates in government funded job-training programs.
Now there are proposed bills in the House that would require drug testing for individuals seeking welfare and expanding drug testing for coal miners.
Proposals in Kanawha County to test teachers was declined last year.
See related story Most Americans Like Drug Testing For Others