Several municipal West Virginia water companies were sold to the American Water
Company, and now that giant corporation is selling their interests to a German water
company for $7.6 billion.
For example, Spencer Water Company was sold to West Virginia Water Company,
West Virginia Water Company was sold to American Water Company (which owns
many of America's water outlets), and now the American Water Company is being sold
to the German water company, which operates in the United Kingdom.
A few concerned citizens appeared at a Public Service Hearing on Monday to express
concerns about American water being owned by an overseas company.
The sale is expected to be approved, with American Water becoming a subsidiary of
Thames Water Aqua Holdings in the United Kingdom.
A spokesperson against the sale, Wilma Davis, said she would hate to see the quality
of American water decline to European standards, or our Mountain State "pure water"
being shipped aboard.
Another hearing is scheduled for July 25th.