Two old World War II soldiers connected and talked about those days long ago, connecting through an article published by the Hur Herald.
"I just went to the Internet and looked up 62nd Signal Bn. in World War II" and found the Herald article "Life Looked Short in WW II-Fleming Recalls Great War," wrote 92-year-old Hubert Briggs of Mars Hill NC.
Briggs was in the same outfit as Arnoldsburg resident Paul Fleming, both now 92 years old.
"I really enjoyed reading the article as I was in Company A. I just called Fleming and we reminisced about the things we both remembered. We had a long conversation and it was good to talk to somebody that remembered what happened 67 years ago," Briggs said.
Originally published in 2010
Paul Fleming is now deceased.
See "LIFE LOOKED SHORT" IN WWII - Fleming Recalls Great War, Turning 90, Fleming Photographed Experiences With Box Camera