
Calhoun, Roane, Ritchie, Wirt, and Wood counties

By Stacey Robinson

Parkersburg WV - Would you like to improve the health and vigor of your existing woods? If you own a woodlot in West Virginia that is at least 5 acres, and qualify as an agriculture producer WV EQIP Forestry Program may be for you.

EQIP, the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, is a way for landowners to receive program payments and technical advice from professional foresters.

The eligibility criteria for the WV EQIP Forestry program includes: owning or managing a minimum of 5 acres of woodland, having a Forestry Stewardship Plan, (recommended but not required), and restricting livestock from the forest land. If you do not have a Forest Stewardship plan and interested, contact the WV Division Of Forestry for assistance in developing a plan.

Forestry EQIP practices include: Tree Planting, Crop Tree release, Thinning, and woody invasive control. Applications for the EQIP Forestry Program are available at your local USDA Service center in the NRCS Office.

While the applications are accepted throughout the year, a selection period will occur approximately once a year, typically in the fall or winter. EQIP is a competitive program, all applications are ranked and evaluated against other applications.

For information please contact your local NRCS/WVDOF Forester, Stacey Robinson (304)422-9072 EXT 123.