By Bob Weaver
USA voters, despite all the political hubris 24/7 on TV, are continuing to disenfranchise themselves with Washington politics, and West Virginians are suffering voter fatigue from so many elections being created with the resignation of Gov. Joe Manchin to be a US Senator.
Some of the disinterest is related to the buying of elections by a few billionaires, now legal under the Citizens United decision of the US Supreme Court.
The failure to vote could eventually cause the demise of a democratic form of government.
Turn-out for Tuesday's primary in West Virginia is expected to be light.
For several years I have added to "Weaver's Epistles for Political Control," none of which are original on my part.
Some that come to mind at election time, related to voters:
"Make'em really (bleeped) off', divide'em and keep them away from the polls, so those that desire divine power can always have their way. We'll show up."
"Make the voters believe there is a great battle between the left and we can stick it to'em."
"Use Shiny Objects to detract from the real issues, so we can quietly do what we want to do."
"Make noise, confusion, conflict and chaos, so the voting (bleeped) think we really care."
"For God's sake, don't let them follow the money."