GRADUATION 2002 HAS OMINOUS MESSAGE - A Forgotten Threat Of Nuclear War


By Bob Weaver

Graduation 2002 was a hopeful event at Calhoun High, but it was overlaid by the evening news. For the first time since the end of the cold war, there seemed to be an ominous threat of nuclear bombs being dropped between Pakistan and India.

The parents of of the 102 graduating seniors, more likely the grandparents, were remembering the unconscionable threat of radioactive fallout and destruction of humanity that was part of their young lives fifty years ago.

While joyful tears streamed down the faces of onlookers Friday night, there must have been fearful thoughts about the future at what these fine young men and women may face in the 21st century.

To them we throw the torch of freedom and justice, knowing full-well that life has challenges beyond careers and relationships.

I am sure some attendees quietly uttered a prayer for our graduates, they might have the faith and courage to endure, as we have done before them.

Beyond the seriousness, we surely want them to have a wonderful life.